By definition, a vaccine is a molecule that is injected into your body that generates the development of an antibody. And the Coronavirus vaccine does this, but the problem is the antibody that develops is deadly, and it is going to take from 4 to 14 months to see the full ravage effects of this vaccine on the public.
It is only the beginning. We’ve been doing these vaccinations for a month. And in 30 days we’ve had over 40,000 adverse events reported to the vaccine adverse event database. I saw the VAERS document yesterday, over 172 pages long. There are over 3100 cases of anaphalactic shock, we have over 5,000 neurological reactions, which can range from headaches to numbness and seizures, dizziness, vertigo, you can’t feel your hands or your feet, in 30 days!
And it has been estimated that only 10% of these adverse reactions have been report to VAERS (vaccine adverse event reporting system).
Can you think of one single product, in one single industry, for as long as products have been made on the planet, that within 30 days we have over 40,000 people complain of side-effects, that not only is still on the market, but is full-court press: we’ve got paid actors telling us how great they are for getting their vaccine, we’re giving people $500.00 if they just get their vaccines, and we got nurses and doctors saying ‘I’ve got the vaccine! I’ve got the vaccine!’
Well, they are not going to be so ‘happy-dancy’ folks when they start to get their ‘Bell’s Palsy’, when they start to get their nephropathy, when they get their cardiac arrhythmia, when they get their ITP (Immune thrombocytopenia), autoimmune reactions, that causes them to die of a blood disorder. They’re not going to be so ‘happy-happy’ then.
About Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny
Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in three medical specialties. After investing more than 30,000 hours and 18 years investigating vaccine adverse effects, she is widely regarded as one of the most knowledgeable and outspoken physician on this topic. Dr. Tenpenny is a sought-after speaker for conferences, both nationally and internationally, and as a guest for radio, podcast and TV interviews. She has been a featured speaker in the docu-series, “The Truth About Cancer,” “The Truth About Vaccines,” “Vaccines Revealed” and many documentaries regarding vaccines, health and wellness.
Dr. Tenpenny is the author of several books including best-seller, “Saying No To Vaccines.” She is contributing author for several other books including “Textbook of Food and Nutrients in Disease Management.” Her articles for magazines have been published in at least 12 languages. Currently, she attends to patients three days per week at her clinic, Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center, located in Cleveland, Ohio.
Dr Sherri Tenpenny with Nevada City Mayor Reinette Senum — We are at a Crossroads.